Build system#

Now you understand the core four parts of our SDK, we will discuss how the cmake build system is configured.

Important: Modern cmake

We use modern cmake, you should also do so if you want to contribute your code to the SDK. The key is always think from the cmake target’s perspective.


The building dependencies between different parts of the SDK work as follows:

  1. framework/interface set the rules other parts should follow

  2. toolkit depends on the interface, and create either toolkit library developed by us or wrapper for external library (installed separately using custom targets).

  3. framework/lifecycle depends on the toolkit, this is the program entry point (main function).

All starter templates are a separate projects that depends on the SDK framework and toolkits but are not part of the SDK build system, thus requires compilation on its own.

Custom target names#

We have some custom targets to simplify some common tasks.

  • docs targets: we have html and latexpdf target for building the web page and pdf document.

  • toolkit targets:

    • install_${toolkit_name} for installing the corresponding toolkit into $HOME/ocp/cache folder.

    • compress_${toolkit_name} for compress the source folder $HOME/ocp/cache/${toolkit_name}/${toolkit_version}/source into ${toolkit_name}_${toolkit_version}.tar.xz

  • cpack target package for create a deb file

You can use the following targets with the command:

If you use cmake presets, you can run the command from project directory

cmake --build --preset="linux-gnu-Debug" --target ${target_name}

Or run this command from the build directory

cmake --build . --target ${target_name}

Target relationships#

Following are the available ALL type targets in the SDK build system and their purposes.

  • OCP::Interface, an interface library target for all header files in the framework/interface folder.

  • lifecycle targets, here we use the BasicConsole as an example

    • ${USER_PROGRAM}, user defined name for the final executable target,

  • toolkit targets, here we use the faspsolver library as an example

    • OCP::external_faspsolver, an imported interface library that links to the external library.

    • OCP::toolkit_faspsolver, a library target that contains source code for wrappers of the external library, it also links to the OCP::external_faspsolver target.

  • Cli target: cli ALL target that build the golang cli tool.

You may notice there is no target for starter templates, this is because we separate the starter template into different projects from the rest of the SDK. Thus, there are two types of build when developing for the SDK:

  1. build the SDK itself

  2. build the starter template

Why we have two builds

It is the outcome of the following factors:

  1. we want to distribute the toolkit source code and let the SDK users to build the used toolkits when they use them for maximum cross platform/compiler support and flexibility

  2. cmake does not allow adding the same directory twice

Build the SDK/toolkits#

To build the SDK, you just run ocp build command from the root of the SDK repository. This will build the CMake project located in the root folder. Or you can use the cmake command directly as shown in the quick starter

Below, we illustrate the targets dependencies for building the SDK itself. All libraries in the toolkit are compiled, and the lifecycle main programs are built. Notice the starter template codes are not included in this build

Build the starter template#

To build a specific starter template, you can use the command ocp build -p starter/starter_Name from the root of the SDK repository. The -p option will set the path to the CMake project to be built. Or you can change directory into the starter/starter_Name folder and build the individual starter template project using the cmake command directly.

The build dependencies for a starter template project are shown below. Only the necessary libraries within the toolkit are built, and the starter code is included.

All yellow boxed targets are managed by the SDK, blue boxed targets are external open source projects, red boxed target is the code that SDK users write (in this case, you as the SDK developer pretent to be a user). Only the used toolkit and lifecycle is built by cmake.